An information webinar themed Study Opportunities in the UK was organized on Monday, 20 January 2025 by the British Council Greece in cooperation with the British Hellenic Chamber of Commerce (BHCC). Ms Anna Kalliani, President of the BHCC, addressed a greeting as part of the webinar’s organization. This initiative created opportunities of continuous learning by offering an overview of the HE provision in the UK, the application processes and deadlines, the entry requirements for EU students, fees and scholarships, cost of living. The information covered both undergraduate and postgraduate applicants and incorporated a Q&A session at the end.
British Council - BHCC January 2025 PRESENTATION
#britishcouncilgreece #britishhellenicchamberofcommerce #bhcc #studyopportunities #onlinepresentation #webinar #StudyUK #BritishCouncilGreece